Our Process


Here are the schedule and activities for a typical MT Wave test.

Make Your Reservation       Contact Us

Before the Visit
  1. Determine where the experiments will be conducted in the tank and the wave gauge layout. 
  2. Arrange for device fixturing 
  3. Discuss/iterate/converge on the test plan
  4. Determine which data we will collect vs. what the customer collects and how to synchronize if they have an acquisition system. It's easiest to log the data in our dSPACE system; then, it will be synchronized with all other MT Wave measurements.
  5. Agree on contingency plans if something fails on (a) the test device or (b) MT Wave.
A few days Before Visit
  1. Place the walkway, arrange the gauges, and calibrate the Qualisys motion tracking system
  2. Calibrate the wave gauges
  3. Do a dry run of data collection with no test article
  4. Send this data to the customer and meet to discuss
michigan tech wave tank

During the Visit 

  1. Install the test article
  2. Verify the motion tracking calibration. If necessary, recalibrate (about 1 hour)
  3. Calibrate the wave gauges
  4. Make the same dry run of data collection (B3 above) and compare
  5. Execute the test plan
  6. Provide the raw data (time synchronized: paddle, wave gauge, motion tracking, buoy dyno, any custom recorded data via our dSPACE acquisition system). Our standard format is MATLAB using our MT Wave class. We can do others too.